5 Reasons to Host Your Next Corporate Event on Lake Arenal | Volcano Watersports

5 Reasons to Host Your Next Corporate Event on Lake Arenal

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12 December 2023

If you’re running a company and want to do something different for your next corporate event, it might be time to go all out.

The statistics speak for themselves. According to a recent study, as many as 44% of employees under the age of 35 are unmotivated at work, and this is known to lead to absenteeism and even a higher employee turnover – on the other hand, companies that have stronger engagement experience a 41% reduction in absenteeism and 59% less turnover.

Corporate events are a great way to not only build relationships but boost morale and demonstrate how valued the team is – depending, of course, on what kind of corporate event we’re talking about.

To achieve the best results and really show the team how much they mean to the company, it’s important to give them a memorable experience and push the boat out. In this case, quite literally!

Here at Volcano Watersports, we’re inviting you to bring your colleagues to Lake Arenal, switching up your typical corporate away days with something a little more exhilarating. With our boat rentals, you can choose any activity to get the team bonding and cement those relationships, ranging from exciting adrenaline rushes to chilled-out, relaxing experiences.

With this in mind, here are 5 reasons why you should host your next corporate event on Lake Arenal, and what it can do for your team.

Building Trust and Nurturing Culture

Running a company is all about building trust and nurturing the right culture. If your corporate events have so far been constrained to nearby event venues or hotel functions, then your team isn’t exactly going to feel valued.

Going overseas to Lake Arenal, however, will show them just how seriously you take their roles and value their work. This is a “wow” event that will last long in the memory, encouraging cultural growth and strengthening the trust that exists between you.

Inspiring Creativity

Lake Arenal resides on the edge of Arenal National Park, in Costa Rica, and we’re willing to bet it’s a bit of a scenery change from your usual office environment. This is a good thing for multiple reasons. For starters, it’s always beneficial to take your team away from the working space – fresh scenery can lead to fresh perspectives and can help to deter burn-out.

Secondly, Costa Rica is one of the most beautiful places in the world, making it the perfect place to harbour creativity and innovation. Being surrounded by nature and beauty only serves to enlighten the mind, and that’s exactly what this corporate event will do for your team.

The Lake Arenal Experience

Talking about the Lake Arenal experience, specifically, there is so much you can do to get the team bonding. We don’t just offer watersport activities. If you wanted, you could rent out one of our boats, explore the lake, play some music, have some drinks, and simply spend the day relaxing.

Our packs are customisable – even the music is chosen by you – so if you’d prefer a gorgeous, chef-prepared meal and premium drinks over getting wet, then that’s exactly what you can do. Or you could do a bit of both – starting the day with some wakeboarding and ending it sitting on the deck, with a drink in one hand, and watching the sunset behind Arenal Volcano. It’s entirely up to you.

Engaging Physical and Mental Productivity

If you’ve got some adrenaline junkies in your team, we’d highly recommend getting them out on the water! Watersports, like wakeboarding or waterskiing, are fun activities that not only get the blood pumping but will help to engage the team physically and mentally. This is because watersports require skill, strength, and determination.

They can take time to get right, but when you do, the electricity that pulses through you is indescribable. In several studies, the health benefits of watersports have been shown to include boosted positivity, productivity, morale, engagement, as well as communication and overall confidence.

Learning About Others, Learning About Yourself

The biggest reason to host your next corporate event on Lake Arenal is because it gives you the time and space to learn more about the team -- and about yourself. In regards to watersports, a few team members might not think they have it in them to do it. Perfecting wakeboarding or waterskiing will help them learn more about their inner abilities, build their confidence and establish a refreshed belief in themselves.

Even outside of watersports, there’s no better way to learn more about each other than floating in the centre of Lake Arenal, with the sun glaring down on you and the water ebbing peacefully against the boat. It gives you the chance to bond in a beautiful place, away from the office, the emails, and the boardroom tables – and that’s an opportunity that most companies would dream of. If you can do it, then nothing should stop you.