10 Reasons Costa Rica is the Best Watersports Destination | Volcano Watersports

10 Reasons Costa Rica is the Best Watersports Destination

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14 March 2023

There is a very good reason why watersports appeal to so many different people based in so many different parts of the world: they take you out of yourself, and into a totally different world where the land and water fly past you, the spray of the wake cools your senses, and your mind locks onto a skill you may never have used before.

This is what makes watersports so memorable – what makes sure we arrive back at shore each day with a smile on our faces and a light feeling that we don’t get anywhere else.

But it’s about a lot more than the sport itself. As any wakeboarding pro or waterski aficionado will tell you, your experience out on the water will change depending on the setting – the backdrop to your adventure.

The world is filled with incredible destinations, but there’s nothing quite like trying watersports in Costa Rica.

1. The Weather

Costa Rica might not have the most reliable weather patterns in the world, but it’s almost always warm – and those (often brief) rain showers are what keep our forests so lush and green throughout the year.

For the most part, Costa Rica is warm without being too dry – a unique atmosphere for a unique ecosystem. It’s a tropical paradise and, once the sun reaches its highest point in the sky, you’ll want nothing more than to be on the water, feeling the breeze and that cooling mist – and, maybe, falling in every once in a while.

The driest time of year in Costa Rica falls between December and April – and, in those months, you will definitely experience plenty of days perfect for getting out on the lake. If the weather really puts a dampener on things (literally) then we can reschedule for another day.

2. The Views

One of the things we love most about Lake Arenal, besides the excellent conditions, are the views – and we can’t go very long without stopping to appreciate it, especially if we’re already on the subject of Costa Rica.

Yes, you may be hurtling over the water at 20mph, but that’s no excuse not to notice the world all around you – and how can you avoid it, when that world happens to be Costa Rica?

This country is brimming with beautiful, lush forests and natural sights. At Volcano Watersports, our neighbour is Arenal Volcano, which peers down at us from its lofty position in Arenal National Park. From the lake, you can see greenery, birds flying up above the treetop – when you return to the shore, you may just hear the happy chatter of the park’s many animals going about their day.

There are lots of beautiful places to try watersports, but, if you’re asking us, renting a boat in Costa Rica can’t be beat.

3. The People

It’s official – Costa Rica is home to some of the happiest people on earth. Each and every year, a new study finds that this beautiful country is one of the world’s leaders in terms of contentment – and, coincidentally, life expectancy too.

From our love of the environment to the importance we give peace and slow, mindful living, there are so many reasons why travelling to Costa Rica is bound to bring you face to face with some incredible people. And, dare we say, that vibe might just rub off on you.

You just can’t be sad when you’re living your best life out on the lake, with the board at your feet and the boat pulling you along – so why not try it for yourself? Even if you fall, at least you’ll resurface to plenty of friendly faces…

4. The Nature

Costa Rica is a very green country – besides its waters, many of which are crystal blue or bright turquoise most of the year. Many, many different initiatives have been led by the government and conservation groups to ensure that the delicate ecosystem remains in balance, and that travellers from within and beyond the country are able to come and appreciate it without disrupting that balance.

This is exactly why so many travellers pick Costa Rica. And, whether you’re seeing it with a birds’ eye view from the zipline, or in a striking blur of colours from your wakeboard, you can be sure that’s what you’ll get.

Find out more about Lake Arenal’s wildlife by clicking here.

5. The Atmosphere

Whether it’s the happy people of the peaceful ambiance created by Costa Rica’s 900+ bird species singing from the trees right outside your window, Costa Rica’s atmosphere is unlike any other. This is a great way to ensure a memorable vacation, but also to shore up your spirits as you take on learning a new skill.

Watersports are challenging. Even tubing, which doesn’t require any detailed knowledge or dexterity, can be a challenge, and it’s always better to attempt to conquer a challenge when you’re feeling comfortable and uplifted.

Lake Arenal is shared by like-minded people who just want to get out on the water and have some fun – and face a challenge, too. The result? The perfect atmosphere for anyone looking to have a great time. Whether you’re here for a long-awaited vacation, something once-in-a-lifetime like a destination bachelor party, or even a first date, we’re sure that the atmosphere will be exactly what you need to make the perfect memories.

6. The Activities

Okay, so this one may not be specific to Costa Rica, but heading to a part of the world that proves particularly popular among watersports enthusiasts will mean that you’ve got a long list of activities to try out.

At Volcano Watersports, we’ve got all the equipment you could need ready and waiting on the boat, so you can try as much or as little as you want while we’re out on the water. From a beginner-friendly crash-course in wakeboarding, to the trickier waterski and physically demanding wakesurf, we’re ready for whatever you’re in the mood for.

Or, if a learning curve isn’t what you’re after, how about the fun challenge of tubing? You don’t need to master the art of balance or micro-movements for this one – you just have to master the art of ‘not falling off’.

Then again, not all sessions on Lake Arenal have to be thrill-a-minute. From kayaking to stand-up paddleboarding (SUP), even the slower paced activities will give you memories that will last a lifetime.

Also, book yourself an extra day in the area and wile away the hours at the beach. It may not be a watersport in the most traditional sense but, provided you dip your toes in, you can count it as a workout.

7. The Downtime

No session on the water is complete without a few hours of downtime. Whether you’re into the exciting, busy atmosphere of La Fortuna – a great place to get a taste of the local culture (and La Fortuna’s thriving food scene) – or prefer to pull up a chair in a quiet spot with views of Arenal Volcano, and wind down over a hearty meal and a refreshing drink (and maybe some of Costa Rica’s world-famous chocolate), we can’t think of a better place to let your hair down.

8. The Food

That brings us to the subject of Costa Rica’s food, which is a perfect way to get to know our lifestyle and culture. Casado, a combination of healthy, sustaining staples like rice, beans, eggs, meat, and salad, is the perfect fuel after a day of high-energy sport. One theory why the locals call this dish ‘casado’ is because the word translates to ‘married’, and the dish represents the marriage of many key, health-giving foods with one another.

9. The Water

You didn’t think we’d forget to mention the water itself, did we? Whether you’re diving beneath the surface or content to sit on top of it in a kayak, Costa Rica’s waters are something else. Bright blue – sometimes even verging on turquoise – you’ll find them hard to resist.

Lake Arenal is the ideal example of this. Often, you’ll find the perfect conditions for tow sports – known by many enthusiasts as ‘butter smooth’, the water is perfect for creating and calibrating your own wake, rather than waiting around for favourable surfing conditions. With an average temperature of 72°f (that’s around 22.2° Celsius), it’s the place to be on a hot and humid day.

10. The Passion

A hobby or skill is always better when you get to share your enthusiasm with other people. And, if you’re a complete novice, what better way to shake off those beginner’s nerves than by watching quite how beloved these sports are?

Costa Rica is a real hotspot for watersports, which means you’ll never struggle to find someone who will be happy to share their insider tips and tricks with you. While cycling enthusiasts head to the Alps for that kind of conviviality and passion, watersport fans head to Costa Rica – and, often, Lake Arenal.

Whatever your level, we’re confident that passion will rub off on you sooner or later.

Costa Rica is a beautiful country. It’s a celebration of nature and mindful living, and we cannot wait to show you why we chose to make this stunning place the home of Volcano Watersports. You can find out more about planning your first Watersports holiday**, or get in touch to start nailing down the specifics with a member of our team.